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From Our Archives

The Wolf Wedding — A Congregational Event

On May 19th a Wedding was celebrated in our Synagogue which will be long remembered. Miss Yvonne Wolf became Mrs. Howard Wolf. Yvonne is the daughter of Mr. Otto Wolf, the Honorary President and Co-Founder of our Congregation. The Synagogue was filled to the last seat; neighbors and members of Ramath Orah, immigrants from the Sarre and Luxembourg, the former residence of the Wolf family, all wished to testify by their presence the high esteem and very deep affection in which the Wolfs are held by everybody....After the religious ceremony, Yvonne and Howard, the newly weds, gave a reception at the nicely decorated Social Hall...                                 
—The Ramath Orah Bulletin (June 1946 / Sivan 5706)


The First "Junior Service" of Ramath Orah

In closest cooperation with the Rabbi, Mr. Richard Mandler of the Board of Trustees, the Direction of our Hebrew school, the officers of the Mizrachi Youth Group Ramath Orah, and of the Mizrachi Youth Group Ramath Orah have started preparations for the first "Junior Service" of this Congregation for all the boys and girls of this neighborhood. The Service will be held on Saturday, February 8, 1947, at 11:00 A.M.          —The Ramath Orah Bulletin (June 1946 / Sivan 5706)


Telephone in the Social Hall

In compliance with a widely expressed request, a Coin Telephone was installed in our Social Hall (UNiversity 4-8181) and is at the service of our members and friends at meetings, gatherings and parties held in the Auditorium.
—Ramath Orah Bulletin (June 1946 / Sivan 5706)



The Board of Trustees wishes to express its heartiest congratulations to our Rabbi and Mrs. Dr. Robert Serebrenik upon their American citizenship. It gives us and the whole Congregation great pleasure to know that our Rabbi's family are now also members of the great American family.
—The Ramath Orah Bulletin (September 1946 / Elul 5706)

The First Membership Meeting

Our efforts are beginning to bear fruit. The first membership meeting has proven that we are on the right road. One of the weaknesses of our organization and which the Board of Trustees recognized, is the lack of friendly social contacts among the membership.... To eliminate this defect, a get together of the members and their families was arranged....The meeting closed on a high note of good fellowship, and the prevailing sentiment was that similar gatherings should be held at stated intervals so as to continue the work of cementing our mutual friendship.
—The Ramath Orah Bulletin (Dec. 1947–January 1948 / Kislev–Tebeth 5708)


For Zion and Jerusalem

In an impressive ceremony, Ramath Orah celebrated the 1st anniversary of the State of Israel on May 7. Rev. Reuben M. Eschewege conveyed to the worshippers the joy over the fulfillment of our age-old dreams and hopes through a edifying interpretation of Psalm 137 and recited a "Hashkavah" composed for the occasion in memory of the heroes of the Yishuv who gave their lives so that the State of Israel should come to pass.           
—The Ramath Orah Bulletin (May–June 1949 / Iyar–Sivan 5709)


Luxembourg Jewish Society Honors Our Rabbi

Our Rabbi was presented with Roll of Honor that bears this inscription: "The Luxembourg Jewish Society of New York, in recognition and grateful appreciation of his courageous and self-sacrificing years of unremitting labor in behalf of the Jew of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg during the German invasion that began on May 10, 1940, Rabbi Dr. Robert Serebrenik, was selected to Honorary Membership." ... Mr. Vanden Broeck recalled that when the Nazis overran the peaceful land of Luxembourg...Dr. Serebrenik stayed in his post [and b]y moral force and the compelling power of his personality he wrested agreement from the invader to permit organized emigration for Luxembourg Jewry."    
—The Ramath Orah Bulletin (Adar I and Adar II 5719 / March–April 1959)


The New Memorial Tablets

Two bronze memorial tablets are being installed in the interior of our synagogue. One is dedicated to the memory of Max M. Mayer... the other is a gift of Bernard K. Wolf and Yvonne Wolf in memory of their parents, Otto and Selma Wolf, the First President of our congregation and his wife.          
—The Ramath  Orah Bulletin (August–September 1959 / Sivan–Tamuz 5719)


Our Jubilars

On August 12th Mr. Simon Learsy will be 70 years. A man of highest integrity and of proud identification with our sacred traditions he enjoys rightfully the esteem and respect of the many friends whom he has won both in Luxembourg and in New York. As a founding member of Ramath Orah he has shown over the years an exemplary loyalty to our cause.       
—The Ramath Orah Bulletin (Sivan–Tamuz 5719 / August–September 1959)


Well Done, Dear Mr. Eletz!

We are extremely grateful to our distinguished friend, the Hon. Abe Eletz, Deputy Commissioner of Taxation of the State of New York and Member in our Board of Trustees. Under his energetic leadership..the movie party of October 24th turned into a fine success. It was again thanks to Mr. Eletz who placed singlehandedly 400 tickets among his friends and thus deserve the profound admiration of all of us. "The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm" in Cinerama color was an enchanting picture to all those who have a sense for beauty and therefore able to recapture, in this world of anguish and gloom, the haunting fascination of the fairy-tale world of their childhood.
—The Ramath Orah Bulletin (Cheshvan-Kislev 5723 / November-December 1962)


Our Hebrew School Purim Party

The Purim Party of our Hebrew school held in March was quite a success. The skit that was presented was written by Vivian Godin and excellently conducted by our Hebrew teacher, Mr. Silberman. The entire Talmud Torah of Ramath Orah participated in the skit, and later all joined in the singing of Chag Purim. We are thankful to Mrs. Godin and Mrs. Chester for the preparation of the party favors.
—The Ramath Orah Bulletin (Iyar-Sivan 5725 / May-June 1965)

Sisterhood News: 1965 Activities

The Sisterhood of Congregation Ramath Orah started the new season in a novel way, with the presentation of the operetta, "A Man Of La Mancha." We wish to thank our Rebetzin Novack for having been the chair lady of this successful venture. Mrs. Kohn, president of the Sisterhood and the entire committee, Mrs. Hedy Drucker, Mrs. Muriel Kissner, Mrs. Hedy Mandler and Mrs. Ingrid Roth for their participation on the theatre committee.
—The Ramath Orah Bulletin (Shevat–Adar 5726 / January–February 1966)

From the Archives:  Sisterhood Dinner

Dinner of the Year of Sisterhood of Congregation Ramath Orah, held on Sunday, May 22nd, in honor of Israel's Eighteenth Anniversary, was an outstanding success both financially and socially...It was a most enjoyable evening and we are looking forward to next year's affair.
—The Ramath Orah Bulletin (Av–Elul 5726 / July–August 1966)

Wed, February 5 2025 7 Shevat 5785